Saturday, August 17, 2024

Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040-ETH

I've always been interested in Arduinos, Microcontrollers, and SOCs. I recently went on AliExpress, purchased some new devices, and rounded up the things I had previously purchased. This article will focus on the WaveShare RP2040-ETH ( which is a "RP2040-ETH is a mini RP2040-ETH development board, which integrates TCP/IP protocol stack for network communication." 

I found this Github Repo: which I will use as a starting point, and grow from there. Let's get started with setting up the device, I won't bore you with instructions and firmware that is used as you can take a look at the WaveShare site and the above Github for that portion. 

Now that everything is set up, let's do something with the board. Let's go into Thonny and start with the "Hello World" right of passage. 

Well, that was fun, can we make the board do something? We can use an RGB LED on the board. 

from machine import Pin
from neopixel import NeoPixel

#Configure the built-in WS2812 LED pins of RP2040-ETH and set the number of LEDs to 1
strip = NeoPixel(Pin(25), 1)

#Set the color of the first and only LED
strip[0] = (0,150,0) # color codes in GRB (Green=0, Red=150, Blue=0)

#command to write the color to the LED

This code is from nichokap mentioned above, we see it's importing the PIN and NeoPixel (modules or libraries) items. The 'strip' variable is defined using pin 25 which is the LED, and the notes in the code mention that we are letting NeoPixel know it's only 1 LED. strip[0] I believe is referencing the 1st LED as index starts at 0. The first time you run the code, you'll see the LED turn red. Now try to change the Number combinations, (150,150,150) will give you a white LED.

But I didn't buy this because it has 1 LED, I bought it because it had a Network Port, and I can use MicroPython. That's where I think I chewed more than I could swallow. Before I go off on a tangent, let's move on to the next sample code. 


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